Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bathroom break...

How I love writing, yet there is not enough time in ones day to do everything! I just had to stop in quickly for a funny story. I four of the five kids to Kroger the other day. Thinking we would just run in for what I call a quickie, I got the twins in a cart and pulled the girls away from their games they were playing to run in. We hadn't even made it to the front door when my youngest little girl decided she could not hold it, she had to go to the bathroom right that minute. So, I told her to run in and we would be there at the entrance of the bathroom waiting on her when she finished. While the twins and Katie and I were waiting, I noticed a black and white photo of one of the first Kroger stores in the area. It had been blown up and I was reading about it when I decided to engage my older daughter in a "look see" of this photo. I asked her if she noticed the picture and she said, "Yes mom, it says it is one of the first Kroger stores in the area." I said, "Doesn't it look like a really old photo?" KK got a really contemplative look on her face and then quite seriously announced, "Mom, that was back before the world had color!" I thought I may have to run in to the bathroom I was laughing so hard at her comment. I guess I never thought to mention to my sweet little girl that they just did not have color in photos back then! Thought you might enjoy a funny for the day!
I will try to write more later! God bless you.

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