Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Legacy of faith...

I feel like God has set me on fire today! We had a wonderful speaker this past Sunday at church. His name was Mark Cahill. He was asking us to not please man (Gal 1:10), but God through the sharing of our faith! After his talk, our pastor got up and asked us to be praying for those we knew that were not Christians and for our ability to be God's messengers of faith. As I was praying for some of my family that I am concerned are not Christians, I asked God to give me a way to put my faith out there for them to see. As I prayed, I felt God give me the strangest, but coolest idea. A legacy book. Just before I decided to write this post, I composed a letter to our family to ask them to share their testimonies as well as any tidbits of wisdom they have learned as a way to share a legacy of faith within our family to our children. I am hoping to have a good response. And to those who don't respond, I hope to have an opening to talk about their beliefs. This will be a big project. I am hoping to use to scan in their letters and put a picture with each testimony. I can't help but think of how inspiring it will be just to read everyones testimony as well as their tidbits of wisdom they have learned through the years. Please pray that I will follow through with it and not be scared to step on toes as I am sure that it will with at least a few. I feel like God has set a fire beneath me right now as I am so excited about this. That's all. I just had to tell you about it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dust to dust...

For those of you who have been reading my blog, thank you so much! I am so sorry that I have been so busy over the past week that I have hardly written. It seems like we have all of a sudden had a thousand games and parties plus church activities. It looks like it will be like that until the end of this week. I thought I would at least check in and write a few lines before sleep was calling my name. Anyway, I have been so busy with everything that I am struggling to keep my house sanitary. Yes, you read correctly. I do not strive for clean anymore. We are just hoping not to be condemned. I think I am going to have to get better at getting my older ones to cooperate and help. We have days where we do that, but not everyday. Part of the problem is my extreme loss of memory. I can tell one of the kids to do something and then I won't remember until everyone is in bed (if then) that I should have gone behind whoever it was to see if it is done. I have thought about wearing strings on my fingers, but I don't think I would remember what the striings were for! I suppose I will have to get in a better habit of not being so busy and following the kids around to make sure they do everything I tell them. Back to cleaning though. It has been three weeks since I have had any time to myself during the week. Last week, Ben got sick again. Unfortunately, it was the same strange virus he had two weeks ago. This has been the strangest virus. He first threw up all afternoon Sunday. Monday, he had a fever all day and Tuesday he had croup. He is much better now, but is still coughing. So with all of this sickness, my house needs a HUD home sign out front! Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit. I do reminisce of days when my whole house was completely clean. I have been using the five hours the boys are in school to clean. Usually, that doesn't even get the whole house spotless! I was telling my mom about how frustrated I was with always having such a filthy house and she made me laugh at her response. She said, "The way I see it is that we came from dust and we are going to return to dust. So, don't worry about the dust in between!" I like that. I think I need to paint that on my walls right by the front door, so that my visitors will not have to wonder or talk about me. They will know right away how I feel about cleaning! Oh well. I wish I had more time to write, but I still have some stuff to do before bed. Good night!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fish Bowl of Life

A neighbor came to our house bearing two fish and a fishbowl the other day and asked if we would take care of it while she was out of town for an unexpected funeral. We kept the little "Nemo's" for a whole week and didn't kill them. I was so proud. I suppose I got a little full of myself, because I told my hubby that we ought to get the kids some fish. I need a few more mouths to feed and I love to clean...HA HA HA! Anyway, we took the plunge! Three fish and a cute little bowl later, we are now proud parents to Spot, Pretty and Rosey. These little fish have been living the good life. Yesterday, I came into the kitchen and found the twins with two kitchen chairs pulled up to the kitchen counter watching the fish. They tried to blow on the water. Which I tried to explain to them that the little fishes don't really like that. Then Will tried to put his hand in the water. I told him that they really don't like that either. Anyway, I gave them both two of my three quarters empty water bottles to get their mind off the sweet little fishes. I have gotten in a very bad habit of buying my water, but at least it is a little different than tap water. It has carbonation and flavor. I tell you that to finish my little story. Unfortunately, I left the room at this point. Can you imagine what those little guys decided to do? Well, knowing how sweet those little angels are, I know that you are not thinking any type of devious thoughts! You should! I did not even think about the water bottles when I found poor little Spot dead in the bottom of the fish bowl. We had a nice toilet bowl funeral and Ty said some nice words about him. It wasn't until my hubby and I were getting ready for bed and noticed that little Rosey had joined Spot in fish heaven that I remembered that the boys were hanging their bottles of water over the bowl earlier. As I was cleaning up the kitchen (at 10:30 pm), I noticed two empty bottles next to the fish bowl. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize those two had emptied their bottles into the fish bowl. Poor little fish. At least Pretty is still with us. I suppose I will be going to buy some more little fish this weekend. I think I will buy the Fancy Guppy type which is the same species as Pretty. She seems more hearty! Those poor other fish though. It is a shame I did not walk in sooner and catch those little boys in the act. I would have been able to save Rosey and Spot. It wasn't meant for me to catch the twins though. But just like this situation, we have many things that happen in our lives that seem to put us in a spot where we really want to ask, what if? or why? But this is when we have to remind ourselves of God's great and mighty plan for our lives as well as everyone around us...Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." How easy is it to lose site of the big plan. Think of how Jacob (Joseph's dad) and his sons felt when there was such a great famine. (Genesis 42-43) They had no relief in site. Jacob had already lost one son at this time, now he was facing having to send his other son, Benjamin to Egypt. (He didn't send Benjamin the first trip to Egypt because he was scared that some form of harm would come upon him). Jacob and his sons could not see God's overall plan to reunite them with Joseph as well as being fed from Egypt's storehouses. So I am here to encourage you to try to look beyond the little picture and look to God's big plan. What you do not understand or can not see, trust God. And do not worry. For we see that so often as a momma. Remember Matthew 6:34 " Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. I will be praying for you...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Slap Across the Face!

I have been meaning to sit down and write for several days. Just a busy momma like you guys! I have had in my head to share with you what happened on Friday morning. We got up and ready to go to school as normal. We were, for once, not running late. Which I might add that Will has started asking me, "Running late, momma?" I suppose that is becoming the norm around here! Anyway, I noticed that the book that Ty had left on the stairs had not been put up. Normally, that would not be that big of a deal, but since I had asked him twice the day before, it was an official big deal at this point. As I was talking to him about that, my 6 year old comes crying to me telling me she has to have a library book returned to school that day. I asked here what the book was and what would happen if she did not take it today and she proceded to explain that the teacher said if she did not bring it that day, she would have to pay for the book. She had somehow forgotten to tell me about this at an earlier date, because she has evidently had this book for quite some time. I want to point out that our 6 year old is what we call a drama queen. When you think of a child crying, you probably have a much prettier version than my sweet child. She usually adds some moans along with throwing herself down on the floor and possibly a scream if needed for a little more effect. Just in case that wasn't enough, now the 7 year old has lost her shoes. This is also a serious offense in our house because of how many times it has happened in the past. By this time, my sweet thoughts of my kiddos have flown out the window while driving to school. So I offer a 5 minute lecture on responsibility. I explain why we have to be responsible as well as how important it is in our household. Well to be honest, I covered so much in my lecture, I won't bore you with the details. So, as I am wrapping up this lovely speech, I felt the hand of God slap me across the face. Not literally. I remembered how it hasn't been that long ago in my walk as a Christian that I was completely not following through on my responsibility to read God's word and to keep my focus on Him. You have read my post about the babies and how my life just felt like agony when I was fighting God's plan for my life. I was so glad that I had to drop the kiddos off, because I suddenly felt so totally ashamed of myself. Here I am getting on to these kids about responsibility, basically telling them how terribly disappointed I am in them only to think that God was that disappointed in me and then some, I am sure. I wasn't upset that I had gotten on to the kids. I just knew that God was allowing things that my kids did to let me see my faults. Remember how I mentioned the verse before about taking the log out of my own eye before working on someone elses splinter? My job as a mom was to correct the kids in their mistakes, but how sweet was it that God gave me that revelation by using my kids. Anyway, going back to responsibility. I have totally seen a change in myself now that I am making time for God. I still have not disciplined myself to the point where I think I am spending enough time with Him in His word, but I sure am working on it. My focus is where it should be and I love learning how God wants to use me, mold me and transform me. I am here to encourage you not to be laid back in your responsibility to Christ. Study His word. The payoff will be beyond measure! John 6:27a "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you." I pray that God will be with whoever is reading this to help them to be diligent in their study of Your precious Word! Lord, speak to their heart through the study of Your word and allow them to find time in their busy schedules as mommas. It is so easy to put off our spiritual walk and I pray that each and everyone reading will have their hunger renewed. We love you Lord Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sneaky little sins...

Okay, the boys are on a mission in the last two days. I am not sure why they want me to go to the mental institute, but I am pretty sure it is coming. When I had my first, he never got in to stuff. I am talking about magazines, drawers, the pantry, or anything else. He really had me spoiled. Well, now I am getting my payback. Two days ago, I caught Ben in the pantry with the Costco size Country Time Lemonade having the biggest time decorating the floor by taking the scoop and pouring it all over. Luckily, I caught him in time and the damage wasn't too bad. But, I have to share with you about yesterday. The twins are funny little things. If you don't watch them every second, they will find something to get in to. Well, yesterday we were busy pulling a tooth for my oldest when I thought, "Huh, I wonder where the twins are..." Although the caution flags should have been flying high at this point, I was taking the laid back approach that day. A few minutes later, after doing a little laundry, I realized that I did not ever see them. When I walked by the pantry, the door opened very slowly and here is what I found.

My hubby and I laughed so hard that we didn't even get on to them. They had snuck in to the pantry and had eaten and entire box of powdered doughnuts. You can see that Ben is so proud of himself. Will on the other hand, never quit eating. He stuffed his face while I proceded to take several snapshots. They sure are funny little boys.

I am sure that you are use to me trying to relate my stories to something in our Christian walk. After thinking on these little boys and how they love to sneak around to do the bad stuff, it has made me think of how often I have not necessarily snuck around, but have fallen back in to my old "flesh-like" habits. Those things that I really know that I shouldn't do, but the things that seem to creep up on me that I either did pre-Christian or just have managed to think up in my sin-filled head. You know what I am talking about. An occasional lie, usually to try not to hurt someone's feelings or trying to use an outdated coupon by tearing off the date (I am a coupon-hungry woman!). How about a bad attitude whether towards your kids or your husband. That one I really stuggle with...especially when I am tired. I also fight taking for granted all that God has so graciously given me. Failing to see the good in His wonderful and mighty plan. Lastly, I mention how I get so frustrated when I don't see my hubby helping. Nevermind the fact that I haven't ask him. You know as well as I do that he should be able to read my mind! I was so convicted by this when I read about Mary and Martha. Read this exerpt:

Luke 10:38-42
38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

The highlighted section reminds me of what so often has gone through my head. Thank goodness we have a good God that convicts us and allows us to see the error of our ways. How easy is it to shift the blame on someone else. Remember the verse I mentioned in Matthew 7 in a previous post, 3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" It is so easy to blame others or just get plain old angry at someone, my hubby in this instance. But, if I had my mind set on what God wanted me to set it on, being a "helper suitable for him" (Gen 2:18) and seeing marraige as a living symbol of Christ (Eph 5:23, 31-32), then I wouldn't have an attitude problem in the first place! I suppose I am getting rather lengthy on my own issues, but I am so thankful that I have married the man I have and that God has given us a quiver full of children. We are truely blessed. I hope that my endless "confessions" are an encouragement to any who feel like their lives aren't perfect. I see so many moms trying so hard to show everyone at church how "perfect" their lives are that it makes those of us who aren't perfect think something is wrong with us. Let's make a pact to grow together in the Lord. Are you in??? Let's run to the Cross to Jesus instead of the mental institute!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Stores, Prayers and Tattoos

I have decided that I need to speak to my pastor about a new idea for the church. It came to me after...well let me just tell you my idea. I think we should pick a day during the week, lets say Monday, for instance, and call a prayer meeting for a couple of hours. We would have to coordinate it with all the moms in the church. Why you might ask? Lets just call it mom has to do her errands...with the kids day. I know that it would have been beneficial to me after taking the twins to Target yesterday. We started our outing perfectly happy and content. But somewhere between the Halloween aisle and the light bulb aisle, the horns sprouted. I almost wonder if the boys sat in their room before I got up trying to see what is the best way to plot against me. I am pretty sure they decided to act like angels until I got a few things in the cart and they knew that I would not want to leave to "take care of business." The screams they let out could probably be compared to a torture victim. In fact, I got some looks from people that thought I may just be doing that. Well, I finally had to break down and spank Will in public. I absolutely hate that. Which is sad to say, but true. I am scared someone is going to call DHS on me one day. But, I dare to say if I let the DHS people take my kids on errands with them, they would do the same! Anyway, I need some good ideas on how to deal with screaming. I have been trying to redirect them by telling them they have to use words so that I can understand what is wrong, but that does not always work. Have I mentioned that I have really strong willed children? Four out of the five are like that. I am just trying my hardest to..
Proverbs 22:6
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
but I do have my work cut out for me. I tell Will to stop screaming and do you know what he responds with? "NO WAY!" That is another one of his favorite things to say. I have had to start ignoring it though, because we had a battle of the wills one day. I spanked him everytime he said it and all he did was say it louder each time. I know one day, with God's divine intervention, they will be strong in God's ways and will stand firm in what they believe in. Although some days it seems so terribly far away! I suppose I need to read again about not growing weary! I have already forgotten that lesson. I have been trying to remember the verse in James when I feel like I am going to visit the local mental institution...
James 1:2
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,"
But for some reason or another, it did not come to mind in Target. You know how kids love those little washable tattoos. Maybe I should check in to some with that Bible verse for my store trips! I think I am on to something!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tired and Active

Today, I have been cracking up at the twins and how much they are imitating me. Will keeps telling me how sleepy he is. You know just as well as I do that most kiddos don't tell you how sleepy they are because they know that is a one way ticket to their bed! All day in the car though, he has been saying, "Mommas, Iz a sleeeeepppy boy" and his brother says, "Mommas, Iz tired." I wonder just how many times I have said this over the course of their life, because it has become such a regular part of their conversation over the past few weeks. In fact, I must say it quite often, because they are saying it just about after every comment. Their conversation is going something like this,
"Yes dear"
"mommas, tderes an aiplane"
"mommas, Iz sleepy"
"I saw that airplane. Isn't it cool?"
"mommas, tdats cool. Iz a sleepy boy."
"Are you sleepy?"
"Yeah mommas, Iz a sleepy boy."
"Did you see that train?"
"Tdats cool, momma. Like Thomas. Mommas, Iz a sleepy boy."
And so on. You get the point. Our conversation has made me try to think before I speak, because I am obviously making an impact on the imitating behavior aspect of parenting. My hubby had a funny experience the other day with them imitating him as well. He had gotten frustrated over something, at this point I don't remember what it was. (my brain is like an etch-a-sketch. There can be a wonderful picture or thought in my head to share, and somehow all the information in my head gets shaken up only to make the initial thought disappear!) Anyway, he said "deadgumit" and the boys kept saying, "gummit" for the rest of the night. As I was pondering these little things that make two year olds so cute, I couldn't help but think of all of my words and thoughts. What if these two little boys could imitate everything that comes from my mouth or goes through my head. Boy, was that a humbling tidbit! I am finding with age or possibly with lack of sleep, my thoughts can go from what I need to get at the store to thoughts I know God would be ashamed of. Hey, I am being honest. Maybe it is also because as you grow older you lose the innocent part of being young. All that is beside the point though. What I am getting at though is how much stuff goes through our heads. Imagine if we had a little person with a bullhorn on our shoulder telling everything that ever went through our heads. I am sure some of us would get a tighter reign of our thoughts and words! With all of this going through my head, I can't help but wonder what my kids pick up on that I say or do. I already see some of my bad habits and behaviors coming out in them and I do have to admit that it is so sad and humbling! I also read the passage today that talks about removing the log from my eye before trying to remove the splinter from anothers eye(Matthew 7:3-5). So, it made me think more of not trying to fuss at my kids when they imitate my bad behaviors, but to pray about my behaviors that need some serious attention, so that I can then help my children to work through their weaknesses in the same fashion. It is funny how I seem to see their weaknesses so easily, yet fail to see them so predominately in my own life. Pray that God will open my eyes as well as your own eyes to the things we do that are harmful in our children's lives. Let's not tell God we are "tired" in our walk of faith, but push ourselves to grow "actively" through His strength for the heart of Christ. Keep growing, sister!
Psalms 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.