Monday, July 21, 2008

Rough Day

As I sit here, I am listening to There is a Reason (Caedmon's Call). After a long day with the kids and it seeming as if everyone and everything is going against me, this song is such a precious reminder of my call as a mom. No other job I have ever had before I was a mom did I not have the option of quiting. I have had times that I totally want to throw the towel in. Today being such. Although when my oldest tells me he really needs a hug from mom and my little ones tell me "I wuv you, mommy", I can't help but want to sign up for another day. How precious are these times. How one day I will look back and miss these days. Now, isn't that a funny thought! When you think of Mount St. Helens in your laundry room, all of the toys you step on in the middle of the night, the constant mess (even when you just cleaned up), the dishes, the cooking, the taxi service you run and the many other things we do...yes, I tell you I will miss it terribly one day! What an awesome job we have! Five very precious souls have been given to me to teach. Some days I am flying in the clouds. Some days I feel like only my nose is above water, struggling to find a little air (Spiritual nourishment) to make it through the day. But, I tell you what, I would do it over and over again. I pour my heart and soul into these kids. I have done things for them that I would never do for another soul! Listen to Sacred by Caedmon's Call. My favorite line is also one of my prayers "teach me to run to You, I can feel the banks harden, Lord, make me like a stream to feed the garden". When days are like today, it seems like I get in the moment and forget to run into my Daddy's arms. It always comes later, but why doesn't it come as my first reaction? I pray that God will show me how to be deeper in my relationship with Him so that running to Him is my first reaction. I want to show that to my kids. I want to feed my garden, so that they can grow in what is the most important facet of our life--our precious relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Lord, make me Yours. Allow me to pour forth to these kids Your love. Let the fruit of the Spirit come out of me quicker than the flesh. Help me not to react in anger, but to correct in love. Watch my tongue and allow the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable to You, my precious Lord. Help me to run to You in the heat of the moment. Allow me to see what it is that You would do. Let me leave a legacy of a Christ-like mom. Help my children to see Your love flowing through me correcting them so that they can follow You throughout their lives. Mold their hearts, Lord. Shape them into what would make them usable by You. Work through me throughout their lives. Thank you Lord, for trusting me with this job. I pray that I will do it and do it well. I want to have the integrity Daniel had even when faced with a seemingly impossible situation. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Growth--Spiritual and Family

As I sit here tonight and think over what God has been doing in my life, I am overwhelmed. I feel like for years I have been stuck in this baby Christian mode, and finally with God's help, I am breaking free. There are so many things God is teaching me and in the process freeing me from the bondage of my flesh. Although I have so much further to go, I am constantly reminded of the awesome and mighty God who before I was even a figment of anyones imagination here on earth, He sent His precious Son to die for me! Not only that, He gives me hope, freedom and fills the emptiness that comes from being human. Thank you God for all that you have done, continue to do and will do for me throughout my life!
With that said, there has been alot going on in our lives this summer. My family has not been doing much, yet we are always busy. My list of "to dos" grows everyday, but I rarely get even close to the end of it. I stay tired. The funny thing is that I don't want to miss it. God has blessed me with some of the most precious little hearts and I couldn't love them any more. Seeing them in the process of being molded, although hard at times, brings me to my knees for guidance and support yet allows me some of the purest happiness. I know you relate.
Besides my summer with the family seeming crazy, my dad has been the main topic these days. He has been incapacitated for about six weeks with something that we are not sure of attacking his joints. Daddy is older, but seeing him go from being able to do most anything to crying and not being able to do simple tasks is hard to put into words. Add to that the diagnosis of prostate cancer and you will know that we have also been praying for him. (The good news is that it is contained and surgery is an option! Yeah!)
To have a happier note, my husband was watching Paula Dean the other day. She was making omelets and she put them in plastic ziploc baggies, added ingredients and put them in boiling water to cook. That sounded like a good idea, so we tried it with the kids. They were really good. To say they were my first beautiful omelet was an understatement! The kids loved them and Will came up to tell me that he loved his "goo". I suppose I don't make enough eggs seeing as he called them "goo". I suppose that was even funnier because he calls everything chicken. Ribs, roast beef, it doesn't matter, it is all chicken. So, you see why that struck me as funny. Emily enjoyed the omelets as well. She commented while smacking quite loud that they were great and why haven't I ever made these before?
Tyler is just growing up before my eyes. I am so proud of him, too. He is quite responsible and extremely smart. He is trying football at my recommendation this fall. Although he is not real happy about trying a sport he really doesn't know alot about, he seems to have a good attitude so far. Kaitlin has been taking a tennis camp this week and she has surprised me just how much she enjoys it. I think she may have found her niche. We are talking about putting her in to lessons this fall. Emily is just being Emily. She thinks she is going to become a professional singer one day--like Hannah Montana or one of those High School Musical stars. It seems that would be just up her alley. She told me today that she wanted to play drums or guitar. Only my Emily!
So that catches you up on everything in our house. Except I didn't mention that I have been doing one of the best Bible studies. It is by Denise Glenn. The name is Freedom for Mothers. I hope that everyone elses summer is going well.
Live with purpose. Pray like you never will again. Love and enjoy your family--you never know how long we have to spend with them and make a difference.