Monday, April 28, 2008

Potty Training Woes...

Have you ever tried to potty train twins? I have to admit that training one is quite possibly one of my least favorite parenting duties. Yet, now I see two little boys who are way too big for their diapers. So, this week has been a challenge. I really can't complain though. Ben is doing great. He even put himself on the potty when he needed to poo poo. Can I tell you just how proud of him I have been? He must know that mommy hates this duty! Well, on the other hand, we have Will. Will really thought potty training was great for about a half of a day. Now, I am waiting for that sweet little smiling face to come tell me where he hid to poo poo or pee pee. I finally broke down and put them both in pull ups tonight as night time is becoming difficult for my washing machine. Okay. If I am really honest, it is difficult on me (not really the washing machine) having to pull beds apart everyday! I think God made little toddlers so cute so we could put up with all of the things you go through with them! Have I mentioned the temper tantrums before...yes, I am sure it has been mentioned! Besides potty training, I was busy this week with a dinner theatre we had at our church. I went beyond my comfort zone and had a part in a play! I am pretty sure I can relate this to the first time I went out to witness with my church. I prayed alot and got real nervous! Luckily, no one booted me off stage though! After this crazy week, I am ready for summer break! I bet everyone feels that way. Just to have some free time to spend with the kids without so much other "stuff" that seems to get in the way with life. Seems like this has been the week for prayer requests to be put on my platter, so I will share:
An old classmate from high school, Benji, is struggling with his life in a desperate need for a liver transplant...
My grandmother has lost her very special friend who died on Saturday. She really adored Jim and they did everything together. I just want to pray that this does not really get her down. She is 91 years old herself! (By the way, he was a strong Christian--so at least we know he is loving that new spiritual body right about now!)
A friend from my MOMS group has been dianosed with breast cancer. Her name is Angi.
I suppose that is all for now, yet these three people are heavy on my heart. I pray that everyone reading this is well and hope you are having a blessed week.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Funny little lesson...

So much that has happened and so little time to write! My life has been in a whirlwind lately. I am sorry that this is always the first thing that has to go, but I am sure that you understand! I have to share a story that goes along with one of my previous posts. I am sure you remember when I told you I really don't do well when Philip is out of town. Well, I have really been doing better. My daily time with God coupled with lots of prayer over this issue has really given me a new attitude on his trips. Guess what? God has a sense of humor. I have said that before concerning my twins, but I really felt it this week. As I mentioned before, I have really been doing much better with Philip being gone. He was gone two weeks in a row (home on the weekend) these past two weeks. I had almost made it to the end of the two weeks when this sense of humor became quite evident! I had decided to sit down and read my latest book from the library for a few minutes of quiet time. Those few minutes turned in to several hours of reading. About 11:40pm, I heard a sudden noise at my front door. I listened for only a few seconds as I determined someone was jiggling the lock of my door. I was officially freaked out at this time, so I grabbed the phone (to call 911, if needed) and ran to push against the door. By this time, I am really getting mad. Who breaks in to your front door with your front porch lights on? Everyone could see whoever it was... So, here I am perplexed and wondering who is on the other side of this door. The noise stops. Even though I am mad, I have a little fear mixed in. Should I look? I couldn't stand it. I wanted to see this not so intelligent criminal. I peeked. No One is there!!! I looked out both windows (on both sides of the door) three times. This is crazy. Would you like to know who was walking away the last time I looked. A POSSUM! That little possum hiney just waddled its way away from my door like nothing had happened. Thankfully that was over! I calmed down and went to bed about 45 minutes later. This was the night that we had some big storms. I would love to say that this story is over, but I unfortuately have more to report! At 3:25 am, I was woken up to my alarm (not activated, just beeps when we open the door). The front door was opened by the 60 mile an hour gusts of winds we were having with the thunderstorms. If that doesn't get your heart beating, I am not sure what will! I had the hardest time going back to sleep. A little after 4 in the morning, I finally dozed off. Can I just tell you I am confident God was reminding me that I must daily sacrifice any issue I need Him to be in control of. I had been trying to be diligent to put God in control of my life every morning. What I was realizing was that I can put Him in control in the morning, but all it took was a screaming 3 year old and I was resorting to being back in control. So, I suppose my point is that God was reminding me to put Him in control of mine and my children's safety when Philip is gone. What a funny way for God to teach me a lesson! I sure do like this one better than the ones that cause my heart pain!!! Take care...