Thursday, November 29, 2007

Beauty from within...

I am going to write quickly tonight. My hubby has been out of town for a couple of nights. As I am sure you remember, I seem to think he can protect me from anything and I mean anything when he is here. When he leaves, I am scared to death. Therefore, I rarely sleep. I have found a new plan at combatting this problem though. I stay up until I can't stay up any longer! So, you can imagine I am exhausted tonight! I just thought I would share one of my kiddo stories tonight. I had to take my 10 year old to the orthodontist this week. Yes, at 10 he needed braces. Ouch (that is my pocketbook talking!) Anyway, I had a very hectic morning that morning. The girls had to be at school at 7:45 (our school doesn't start until 9 am). So, my schedule was a little off. We made it to the 'dontist and I just so happen to look in the mirror. I really don't do that very often because I am usually scared by what looks back at me. But, this morning takes the cake. I had completely forgotten to put make up on. Have I mentioned that I have red hair? That means no eyelashes! Still, that wouldn't be so bad (maybe!) if I wasn't turning in to the pimple horror story! Why is it that I NEVER had pimples as a adolescent, but now my hormones are in overdrive!?! Well, I tough it out because at this point I am 3/4 of the way there and I really don't have the energy to go back! I really was quite embarrased. But what is a girl to do! So, I managed to smile despite my polka dots and get out of the office as soon as possible. Thank goodness the twins were behaving. That I am sure was a special gift from God as He knew I couldn't handle no eyes, polka dots and embarrasing kiddos! After we were in the car, I went on and on to Ty about how I couldn't believe I got in the car and almost there without make up. I even went so far as to ask him what he was possibly thinking allowing me out of the house like that. This all culminated into Ty asking me a question that struck my tongue speechless. "Mom, why are you so worried about make up? You look fine." (My sweet child!) "I thought you said beauty came from the inside, not the outside?" Sometimes the mind of a child can really shed some perspective, can't it! The funny thing is, I put makeup on in the morning, but rarely if ever apply any extra during the day. No lipstick, powder or blush. Unless I have a date with my hubby. Those special times require a little extra effort. Hey, I have to attempt to remind the poor man what I looked like prior to boogers being smeared on my sweatshirt, juice stains on my pants from my twins thinking spitting their drinks is the next best thing, and play-doh being under my fingernails! Anyway, that is my story for tonight. My hubby is already in the bed. I hope you have a good night and remember, beauty comes from within...
I Peter 3:3-4
3 "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight"

Sunday, November 25, 2007


The Thanksgiving holiday is over! We travel every year to my hubby's family and every year it seems like it is a little more hectic! Must have something to do with cleaning up the house while attempting to get the last few pieces of laundry washed that must be put into our suitcases, putting gas in the car and packing up 5 kids and myself. Those things wouldn't be so hard if remembering wasn't such a hard thing for me. Every year I forget something. This year I was quite impressed with myself though. I got all the way there and realized I had done well. No missing toothbrushes. I got the medicine for my seven year olds cold. I actually remembered diapers AND the wet wipes. We all had clothes, underwear and matching socks! Before you get too proud of me, I did forget something. There was a cold front that came through on Wednesday night and that is when I remembered I did not grab COATS! It was so cold outside! So we stayed indoors as much as possible. My hubby is the only one who had a coat. Now you know who the smart one is in our family! We did have a great holiday. I just can't believe it is already over. Can I ask for an extension on this break? I am exhausted. Traveling does that to me though. Also, sick kiddos play a big part of that exhaustion! I mentioned our seven year old had a cold. On Saturday morning, Will woke up with a very high fever. I did not have a thermometer, but I am guessing 104 or above. I was so glad PawPaw had some motrin at his house. I bathed him with a wet wash cloth until he cooled down. We came home late Saturday evening and now my hubby, Will, KK (the seven year old) and MiMi (the six year old) all have a fever. I am not complaining though. I have been praying for so many people lately that are dealing with much more than I. Cancer seems to be my top ailment for prayer, but I have also been praying for my hubby's aunt with Alzheimers. That doesn't even touch the tip of the iceburg on what has been going on with friends and family. So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many things. Health being on the top of that list. My family being very close behind. God has blessed me with a very loving family. Do we have our hangups? Of course, we all do. Do some of them make me want to visit the local mental hospital? Definately. But God chose each and every one of them to be in MY family and I am so thankful for each one and what they bring to our family. I am also so thankful for God. I was contemplating over this long weekend on how long it has taken me to not only see my true need for God in my life, but also for me to want to discipline myself to become what God wants for me. I don't know about you, but I feel like I am so far from what He desires for me to become. I am determined to push myself though. I want what He wants. I want to achieve what He wants for me. I want you to have that same passion. I pray you have had an equally enlightening Thanksgiving and that you see all the blessings in your life that God has so perfectly placed there. I will keep praying for you and please keep praying for me. Specifically pray that I will continue to be diligent to study my Bible. I am really struggling right now. I want to do so much, yet when given the opportunity of a few extra minutes, I seem to always find something else to do. There is always something I am behind on in my house and I hate feeling that toilet cleaning or laundry takes precedence over my time with God. Please keep praying for me! Thanks!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time Management!

It has been a busy weekend. My hubby's uncle passed away on Wednesday and we went to the funeral on Saturday. Even though we left the kiddos, it made for a long weekend. (We drove to Decatur, AL.) I have a new ailment, too. My friend Ashley and I joke that we always have some kind of health issue. This week, I have a serious tummy issue. I have gotten up for the last three days with severe stomach cramps. They last all day and come and go throughout the day. Who knows. It may be a round two of the stomach virus we had recently. I will just be glad when it is gone. Makes me feel yuck:( Hope you liked the Job stuff from the last post. I wish I had more insight, but I have decided to start a new battle for my time. I have been stuck on reading Christian romance novels. You know, I quit watching TV and sewing for the time being. You wouldn't believe how much it has really helped with my time management issue. Now I guess I am needing some kind of entertainment though. Once I start a book, I can't wait to finish it. I seem to keep getting convicted that I don't read my Bible with that kind of intensity! It seems like I always have some need or want in my life that battles for my time that I would normally spend having a quiet time. Sounds as if I need to pray! By the way, I have finally gotten my legacy letter written. My hubby proofed it and made a few changes. I am hoping to pass it out at Thanksgiving and mail it to the rest of the family. I am really excited about this project. In case you are a new reader, I am referring to a project I am wanting to do to make a book for my kids that has our family members and their story of their salvation. I am going to do it on Shutterfly. I am worried that it will again take a bunch of my time, but I truely feel lead by God to do this project. He gave me the idea in church. To Him be the credit! Well, I am still not feeling well, so I will talk more later. Maybe I will have a good twin or kiddo story for you next time...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Just a quick funny...

We went to MOMS today (Bible study with Jean Stockdale). While we were driving, Will asked me if we were late. That is pretty bad when your two year old asks if you are late! Anyway, I told him no. He then preceded to get mad at me for being on time! I thought that was funny. It is truely a miracle because we were early. So early, the teachers weren't in their rooms yet. We set down our stuff and went to walk around. While we were walking, we saw our precious teacher that the kids adore. Will marched up to Mrs. Judy and said, "LdilidajffaohaothMrsJudy! Why you not home?" I wrote all the jibber jabber because when Will is angry, you usually don't understand anything until the end of the sentence. What made this so cute was that he thought Mrs. Judy lived in their little room at church! Anyway, I just thought it was cute and I had to share it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Godly friendships...

Have I told you about my good friend Ashley? She and I have become very close over the years. We preface a many of a conversation with..."You know I tell you everything..." We have the normal girl talk and then we have the talk that you only share with a really good friend. For instance, when I had the stomach virus the other day, I told her how it was a really violent tummy virus. She proceded to say "Violent, huh." For some reason, I felt that was my cue to share in more detail. I am sure she appreciated it. I told her how I blew my nose after I threw up and broccoli and rice came out! Okay. I know that that particular comment can not be shared with just anyone not to mention it is just gross. Besides my husband, she was the only one to know until I have shared with you. Don't you feel special right now! The point is Ashley is one of my very good friends and I feel quite comfortable telling her about anything and she feels the same about me. I feel very blessed to have a friend like her. She listens when I am happy, grumpy, sad or anything inbetween. God has truely given me a gem to have her as a friend. I bring up Ashley because in reading about Job, I have learned about his friends. Job had just gone through losing his family (besides his wife), all of his possessions and finally, his health. Three of his friends came to him to sympathize and comfort him at his time of need. They sat with him while he grieved for seven days and nights without saying a word. Can you imagine? I can't imagine going over to Ashley's and just sitting with her and not saying a word FOR SEVEN DAYS! We see what good friends they are though, because they dropped everything to go to their friend and be there for him in his greatest time of need. Not only that, they were weeping for him and grieving with him. Read these verses in Job 2:
12 When they saw him from a distance, they could hardly recognize him; they began to weep aloud, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. 13 Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.
These friends sound like my good friend. The next chapter is where Job speaks after these seven days. I talked about this chapter in a previous post. Let's just say he was not having a happy day. He was cursing the day of his birth. He wanted to die rather than to deal with the pain, although he did not blame God. The next chapter is the meat of what I have been thinking about this week. One of his good friends responds to him in this chapter. He, as I am sure I have done, was really speaking (in my interpretation) from his heart although his wisdom on Job's situation was only what he thought brought on Job's troubles. He continued to tell Job that he must have done something against God, a sin, so that God had chosen to punish him in order to correct him (chapter 5:17). I don't want to write a book tonight, so I am going to try to get to my point. Job had been through so much. He lost his children, all of his possessions, his health. Then, his wife tells him to curse God and die. His friends try to comfort him, but then decide to take the situation in to their own hands and provide completely inaccurate wisdom on the situation at hand. Telling Job that he must have done a grievous sin. I don't know about you, but it looks to me that the situation just keeps taking turns for the worse.
Eliphaz says in Chapter 4:7 "Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished? Where were the upright ever destroyed? 8 As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. 9 At the breath of God they are destroyed; at the blast of his anger they perish."
Can you see how we, as friends, can sometimes speak from our heart but yet, not see the whole picture. Thus, our advice is not only inaccurate, but unneeded. I never once saw where Eliphaz prayed to God before he spoke to Job. Eliphaz does tell us that he saw a vision and that was where his great insight came from. Satan had used Job's wife in her flesh before. Who's to say the vision wasn't from Satan as well. I can't help but wonder how many times I have given advice without praying about it. Can I tell you just how eye opening this is to me? Be careful what you say. Not only with our friends, but also with our children. For we know,
James 3:10a "Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing."
Guard your tongue. Memorize a verse that will help you to guard it.
Psalm 34:12 "Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, 13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies."
There are so many great verses for this. What I have taken from Job's friends is to number one, be a great friend. Be there for them. And secondly, keep God as your focus. I feel like I am still learning how to be a Christian. I believe wholeheartedly in Christ, yet that is not even a portion of faith. Letting Christ infiltrate your marraige, your parenting, your friends, aquaintances, and your life is easier said than done.
I pray that God will continue to open my heart to these instances in my own life where I fail to see the depth of faith I need to pursue a life of being devoted wholly to Christ. I will pray that for you too!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's going on with us...

I feel like I have been making excuses for not writing lately! My heart is in it. Unfortunately, my lack of time makes me let some things go. Three of us had a tummy bug this past week. This will be the forth time we have had tummy issues in the past month and a half. I suppose it beats strep and colds since they usually last longer! I tell you what though. Have you ever had to clean up your child's throw up while you feel like throwing up yourself. It brings a whole new meaning to not feeling well. I hate to be graphic, but Emily, the 6 year old, ate a hot dog for dinner. Need I say more...I am pretty sure that is the worst smell I have ever smelled! Okay, enough about that. We also finished cheerleading this past week and have one more soccer game left for Ty. I love all the extra-curricular stuff, but isn't it nice when it ends. It is like the calm after the storm, so to speak. I am finally getting in to the holidays. I was afraid that my motto was going to be "Bah Humbug" a few weeks ago, but I did buy my first present today. I usually adore this time of year, but I feel like it is all about the gifts for our kids. I have been letting their attitude alter my perspective of Christmas. Last year, I woke up and asked Ty if he liked what he had received and he commented, "That is all I got..." I keep thinking about that. Plus, I am pretty sure Toys R Us located an alternate warehouse location at our home! I am looking for some new ideas on how to refocus our children's minds to seeing the meaning behind Christmas. A friend told me their family wakes up to read the Christmas story from the Bible and then, opens their three gifts each alternating between the three kids. We cut down the number of gifts last year. I am hoping that adding this to our Christmas morning routine will allow the kiddos some reinforcement for the true meaning behind the birth of Jesus. If you have any other great ideas, I would love to hear them. Also since my last post, we found out Ty needs braces. We have been going to an orthodontist periodically for about two years, but it was finally time. I am so thankful our insurance pays some though! Now that I see how much it is, I am going to add my other children's teeth to our prayer list! I can't imagine doing that for all five! Since the kids were out of school on Monday, not only did we get braces, but I took all five kids to the zoo. We parked, got out of the car and had just made our way into the zoo when Will decided to just sit down, scrunch up his little nose and tell me "I NO walk!" That should have been a sign on how well this little trip was going to be. I did not let it put a damper on the trip. I put on my big girl panties and told him we were going to have to leave and go home right then and somehow, he pulled himself together! So, off we go. It was a really good trip for the most part. Will scrunched that little nose at me several more times as well as plopping that little hind end on the ground and screaming, but I am thanking Jesus because I did not lose my temper or hold any of my children up by one arm and beat them like some of the mommas do in Walmart! Let me tell you that I was both physically and mentally exhausted that night. I was glad we did it though. I love those special times with our kids. Making time carved out just for them. I would go on to tell you some insight I have had on Job this week, but I am sure you are tired of reading me rambling again. I will tell you some next time. It is good stuff.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Felt like rambling...

I thought I would stop and relax for a minute and jot down a few lines. We had a great day today. My older kiddos went to school and the boys and I decided to have a little friend over to play. I should have known there would be trouble though. As soon as we got out of the car from taking the older ones to school, Will told me, "I no get out. I go bye-bye." I had to literally fight him to get him out of the car. He would block me and not let me unfasten his seatbelt. As soon as I had one part unfastened, he would refasten it. I finally just did it quickly and managed to get him out. He is cracking me up though with his latest. When he decides to be disobedient, he kicks while he says in a very agitated tone of voice, "kick, kick, kick." I suppose he is trying to drive the point home that he is quite agitated. Who knows! So, as usual, I am rambling. We had our playdate though and everything was going quite nicely. UNTIL. I had the bright notion to mention the trains upstairs. Have you ever seen three 2 year olds share and cooperate? Me either. Let's just say the train time wasn't the best of my ideas. Three boys all wanted the same trains and they all were either screaming or throwing train engines or tracks to let us know things were just not going their way. These boys! The more I think about my family, the more I realize one of the reasons God gave me all these precious kids is to make my dependence on Him greater! Can I hear an AMEN sista? Oh, I forgot to mention my marathon cleaning session. When my friend called about the playdate, we planned it very last minute. I offered my house. Have you ever done something like that and looked around wondering how you missed the tornado that somehow swept through the house? I hung up the phone to complete panic. Dishes were piled up in the sink, an entire family of rats could have lived on what the kids had dropped under the kitchen table, along with unmade beds, toys everywhere, nasty countertops, floors that needed to be vacuumed, laundry that needed to be started...need I mention anything else. Let me tell you girl, I finished it all before she got there. It took me 45 minutes and I was sweating when she got there! I wasn't embarrassed though...except for the sweat on my brow. Oh well, that is all for now. I haven't done my quiet time today and it is 10:48. Not to mention I need a bath! Sleep well.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Funny, but serious

I have to tell you my story of stories this week. I will warn you that it is totally gross, but one of those kid stories you will never forget. A few days ago, I came upstairs with one of the twins, Ben, to give him a bath. I started running the bath and getting him undressed. Wouldn't you know, he made a stinky. No big deal. Since I was getting toothbrushes ready and towels, etc, I sent Ben into his room to get the wet wipes. Meanwhile, my 10 year old had shimmied himself under our train table to watch TV. I am not sure why. He had only his head sticking out. I am pretty sure he won't do that again after what happened next! I rounded the corner to see Ben run up to Tyler and sit on his head...with only his diaper on. Tyler started saying, "Mom, my face is wet!" At this point, I am laughing hysterically. I told him to run as quickly as possible to the shower and don't look back. Well, he wasn't too quick, becuase he came by as I laid Ben down for the diaper change. As soon as I laid him down, I noticed his legs had that yellow color down to his knees. Now, I change my babies when they need it. But, I had evidently not noticed this diaper being stinky and Ben wasn't fazed by it. Can I just say this was the nastiest diarrhea diaper in the history of diarrhea diapers! Oh my! So since Tyler was walking by, I told him to look in to see what had just been on his face. He RAN and I mean RAN down the stairs to the shower. About thirty minutes later, he came back up to see me. His cheeks were bright red from all the scrubbing he had done! I had started this whole crazy night with a sinus headache. After laughing so hard for so long though, it felt like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer! Luckily, Tyler was good-hearted about it and didn't mind the constant giggle I had the rest of the night!
I have been studying about Job this week. I haven't gotten very far, but I am amazed at how many things Job had, what a Godly man he was and how blessed he must have felt. Until...God allowed Satan to attack him. How awesome is it that Job did not waiver in his faith. He did not sin and he did not blame God. What a powerful testimony of his faith! He went through some serious grief. Cursed the day he was born. In fact, I was stumped by verse 8 in chapter 3 "May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan." I learned after looking this up that in Job's day, their were actually people who were hired to pronounce curses. He was asking them to curse his birthday by calling up the sea monster Leviathan to swallow up that day. That gives you but a small glimpse into his grief. Through these few chapters that I have read though, Job has his faith where it should be. You can see by his responses to Satan's first and second attack on him that his first love was God. I have told myself I need to memorize the two verses where we hear Job's responses to these trials (chapter 1:21 and chapter 2:10). It seems like when I get angry with the kids, I always have the verse pop into my head, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer". Even though in that moment, I am usually frustrated to hear it (mainly because it goes against everything my flesh is telling me to do!), but hearing it makes me rethink my response to the situation at hand (at least most of the time!). I think memorizing Job's response may help me in the moments where tragedy hits, however mild or severe, to remember how God would want me react. I also noticed that Satan spared Job's wife. Why would he spare her? Think of how she responded to Job's second trial by Satan, "His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"" Wow! Was she being the helper lover that she was suppose to be as a wife. I think not! In fact, she was allowing Satan to work through her, in my opinion! We, as mommas and wives, have to allow God to work through us and the only way we can do that is by staying focused on God. How do we stay focused? I John 2:5 says, "But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him:" How do you obey God's word? I am pretty sure you need to know it! So, we need to stay in constant communication with Him through prayer and studying His word. I have another tidbit out of the first three chapters. God has given us an alloted time here on earth. Make the most of it. I tend to think of me dying before my kids, but what if God chose to allow one of my kids or my husband to go first. Treasure the time we have been allowed with our family. Serve and love God with all your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind (Luke 10:27). Where is your heart? What is your goal for life? Check what is on the top shelf of your heart. If you have allowed something to overrule God, there is no better time than the present to change. I will be praying for you and I challenge you to read about Job. I have not even given you but a small glimpse into his life. Read on, girl!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Precious Moments...

Again, I must apologize for not being able to write recently! As ususal, we have been hectic. I really enjoyed Halloween with the kids though. We went to church for the fall festival. Church was alot of fun. We played games and did the cake walk. Then, we came home to brave the neighborhood with all of the kiddos. My hubby stayed home to pass the candy out and I took all 5 kids through two coves. No strollers or wagons here! We braved it to all of the houses that had their lights on. Will and Ben, the twins, could not have enjoyed it any more. They had a little trouble with the concept of waiting by the door while candy was brought to them. They thought it would be much better to help themselves to a little candy while walking in to complete strangers homes! Well, isn't that sweet! Meanwhile, the older kids ran ahead and would come by occasionally to ask if I needed some help. I must have looked helpless with my little twin Elmo's! With that mentioned, I want to tell you about the costume fiasco. My mom decided to hit TJMaxx to get some costumes for the kiddos. I was just planning on drumming something up we already had. I can be a little cheap at times. Anyway, mom was really sweet, because she spent alot of time trying to find something for each of the grandkids. She has 7. But, you must hear more about these costumes. Sometimes mom and I don't have the same taste. Sometimes we really do. She wears some really cute conservative clothes. In fact, she is really stylish. But, every great once in a while...lets just say she goes a little overboard. She stopped by Sunday with two devil costumes for the twins. I hated she seemed a little perturbed with me when I told her we were going to church and I was pretty sure they don't welcome Satan there! She wasn't too happy with me, but she did take them back. We liked our second choice of Elmo! She also brought my oldest daughter a really cute ballerina costume. She brought this one because my daughter had vetoed the one she brought her on Sunday. It was...well, I am still not sure what it was. My other daughter decided to keep hers though (they were matching). It was a leopard long sleeve leotard with a knee length skirt. I am not sure why, but it was surrounded by boa type feathers around the neck, wrists and bottom of the skirt. My hubby said he wasn't sure if she was a leopard or a bird. But she loved it and it did fit her spunky personality! All in all, Halloween was a success. How sweet are these moments we share with our kiddos. I was reading an email recently. It was actually a prayer request for a friend of a friend. She is 28 and is dying of cancer. I couldn't stop with just her email. I read her journal on her website and she says over and over to take advantage of these precious moment God allows us with our kids. Her little girl is only 18 months. Can you only imagine what she is going through? I cried and cried just reading about her. I am so thankful she is a Christian. Her testimony is so powerful throughout her writings. Anyway, take advantage of today. Read your Bible. Share what God has taught you. Make every moment count. You never know when your last will be...I am still praying for you!